Every young Canadian should have access to Canadian books. Help make this a priority.

The I Read Canadian Fund supports getting Canadian Books into the hands of young people across the country. Additionally this fund supports the expansion of the Forest of Reading program into indigenous, rural and priority communities, plus the delivery of books. Let’s get kids excited about reading for fun!

“I like the new books. I really like the doggy one.” When asked if he had anything else to say abou the new books Kato said, “no!”

Kato, 4 years old, Sandy Lake

“My favorite thing about the new books is reading them!.”

Arianna, 4 years old

“This wolf book is good because it has wolves. I like that. Oh and there is a bear!.”

DJ, 4 years old

“We are so thankful for the books donated by the Forest of Reading. At Club Amick we deliver three brand new books a year to almost 5400 First Nations children in the remote north in Ontario. The extra books donated by the Forest go a long way to help communities supplement class resources that are lacking in most First Nation communities. Club Amick thanks the OLA and the Forest of Reading and recognizes this exchange in the spirit of reconciliation. Chi meegwetch!”

Nancy Cooper, First Nation Consultant, Southern Ontario Library Service

“My first time attending the festival, I was quite overwhelmed by the size of the crowd and the pure enthusiasm of the kids. Being an author or illustrator is a solitary existence for the most part. Sometime you wonder if anyone actually reads your books as you sit working in your quiet room so to have a moment like this, standing on stage in front of a wild crowd, well, well you really do feel like a rock star. And the kids’ reactions to your book. it’s such an important program, promoting literacy and the love of books to so many kids. I’ve seen it all firsthand and i can’t think of a better program to support.”

Dave Whamond, , Award-winning author and illustrator

There are many ways to give to the I Read Canadian Fund.  

Your donations can be anonymous, public or you can even celebrate a mentor!

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